Monday, March 9, 2009

MBA queries e-mail...long time back!


This mail may come as a surprise to you and may also conclude that this mail is a bringer of time wastage,but helping the needy is always a good deed.And no sir there is no question that i ask for a job here! Actually i found you address while searching for information on the Simonschool's website,and thought i'll ask you for help.I am an officer inthe merchant navy for the past one year,and have sailed on tanker vessels.I plan to leave the sea after a little while and pursue an MBA degree.

The hearsay has it that one should start the engines of research on theB-Schools very early to be in a good position while applying.So, i didexactly that and have landed myself in a mental soup.The classprofiles of any college that i have seen,reveals that majority ofpeople come from a business related background like consulting,financeetc.Now i am just a sailor,who sees his ship being battered by thehigh waves every now and then.I have no understanding of these termslike consulting etc....the only consulting i can think of is career consultants.

While applying the essays ask you what your future career goals are?Now i know it in my heart that i want to be an MBA....why you ask?Because i like to see men well dressed while working,the neatly tailoredsuit,the polished shoe,the corner office with a view and the latehours which in a way seem kinda adventurous.But the problem is thathowever much i want to but i cant write these things in my essays.

Sir,i need help here.And a person of yourstature,who's "been there-done that" can possibly help.Can you give mean idea of what an MBA in General Management is all about?Howdifferent is it from consulting,finance?What kinds of traits orqualities should one have to excel at this kind of a life?How did youdecide that you had to do an MBA?

If you're looking at someone as a prospectiveemployee of your company,then what do you look for?Right,i know this has been a mail which is termed out of the blue,but am hoping that you'll take out some time and practise random acts of kindness!

Thanking you,

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