Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Plural Man

The Phillipines english imparting mechanism is a little warped.Frank the 3rd engineer on my ship was more warped than the mechanism itself,coz he believed that cartoons and Cher concert CD's is the best cure to anything under the sky.Cher's fairwell concert had to be watched on daily basis as if to cure a oncoming disease.

In full josh Frank's "Cher is so goods,and sings very wells",was overlooked by most of us, for the presence of exotic dancers on the projector screen.Plurals with me are present in state of excessive booze in blood,slurring.Frank's plural ways were not much of alarm,barring when u got an alarm in the engine room and hes on watch.

After snacking in the day room i went down to the control room and found Frank sweating and out of breath,which was an indicator of battles of time already fought and some more to come.
The alarm was whirring in the engine room,making u a lil panicky if u even dont wanna!Frank "Gauravs,its the booster pumps..!",which is to say that the heart of the ship,the engine was about to stop,which is a calamity!"We have to checks the pumps",.."Man!Its gonna be one of those days for which u hope never to see"Well we went into the purifier room,with me having the oiler mustered and gathered the necesary tools.

There was Frank looking at the pumps,and i thought now we gotta stop the engine.So Frank declared "Gauravs!We have to open up the ports pumps!"

And then it damwned on the me the plural,slurring Frank meant only one pump and the cause for alarm was never the pumps but the enlgish imparting machinery in phillipines.

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